Octavius Septimo

The Blood Artiste

All RP welcome.
Dark and Mature Theme's welcome.
Long Term interactions preferred.


Age: 34
Orientation: Bisexual (Heavy Male Lean)
Height: 6'4
Occupation: Artist, retired military
Build: Muscular
Distinguishing Feature's: Numerous scars upon wrists, ankles, and back. Scar over forehead.

Brief Background

Octavius receded from Garlemald and took purchase in Ishguarde. Slipping into the city amidst many of the hopefuls looking to make the newly formed Empyrium home. Octavius was no different, he was there for much the same reasons. To start anew. He opened a studio and gallery to display and sell his works. His medical knowledge he has put to work as a doctor helping in the Brume to soften the blow for when his garlean heritage is eventually figured out.


A child born without fear of aether or it's wielders. Instead he lusted after it. It pointed focus in his studies to learn how to achieve it for himself.

Young Adult
Being from a poverty stricken region, when the time of war was upon them again... he was enlisted and trained to be a soldier. He excelled and rose in the ranks. His research and knowledge of aether gave him access to working in Medical under Imperial Rule.

Adult Hood:
A Ranking Imperial he was now able to freely experiment on conscripts and PoW's. He was seeking out the ability to wield aether, a gift of Eorzeans horde all to themselves. Dr. Septimo eventually succeeded, finding a way to wield magic for himself. But it came at a cost. The Facility under his authority had fallen victim to an attack. He took his research and fled, returning home, and then as though by poetic fashion his home and his research facility were self leveled by Imperiel focus. Octavius was Terminated. Or at least... that is what the Imperials believe.


I look forward to RPing with you.
Please message me in-game or through discord.